Tuesday 15 August 2017

writing about camp


Today I'm going to be Writing about what happened on the First day of camp when I Went to waimarino water park.

On Tuesday morning woke up and got my bag ready for the  day ahead. here are the thing I put in it sunblock , togs,towel,wetsuit and my hat. A little while after our camp 7:00 breakfast I scrambled onto the bus . We called out our numbers to make sure every was on the bus. My class was sharing the bus with 7DH we were also doing all the activities with them. There was so much excited chatter on the bus it was hard to hear the slightest thing, the only thing I managed
to hear was the bus thumping over the bumps on the road.

When we arrived at Waimarino the first thing we did was follow Mr. Webb to a big tepe type shelter we put our bags down and waited for the instructors . Once the instructors were there they told us about the first thing we would be doing it was a team building type challenge. My team was called chunky monkeys. The first thing my team did was build a raft out of three barrels quite a lot of rope and bamboo it had to hold up to 4 people for one whole minute floating on the river. The other activities we did with this team building challenge consist of picking up a bucket with ropes a meter away ,placing tennis balls in a bucket using only ropes ( my group made rail ways and dropped them in ),diving off the low diving board,rock climbing,water slide, tarzan swing and riddles my team came second .

The next thing I did was have lunch we had burgers. After lunch we had a  kayaking lesson. We had to challenge our balancing skills on the kayak, we tried to kneel, stand and do those on the front of the kayak. I fell out quite few times and got drenched with water. We also played a game of tag in the kayaks. The seals weren’t in the sharks were in. We also played a game where everybody held onto another person's kayak and it formed a big circle was we took turns standing up and dancing while the other people held your kayak still.

Now it’s free time yay! This means we can go on any of the activities as long as a parents there. The first thing I did was the water slide. When I hopped on the side a thrill went through my body, I put my mat down first and then sat down, I waited for the
“all clear”signal. I then zoomed down the slide full of energy. I had plummeted into the water and was suddenly soaked with cold river water. Oh did I mention that you aren’t allowed to say the words cold, freezing or can’t it was hard.

I hope you enjoyed reading my day at waimarino.Over all I thought it was a great day.

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